Gas passions: expert Mitrahovich considers Germany’s attempt to negotiate with Qatar a failure

Russian energy expert Stanislav Mitrakhovich, in a commentary to Vzglyad, shared his opinion about the impossibility of reaching agreements in terms of energy exports between Middle Eastern Qatar and Germany.

Source: Oil and capital

According to him, it is not beneficial for the authorities of Qatar to create such a state of affairs in which in one or two decades the state will have to look for new markets. And such precedents have already taken place in history.

“In the context of Germany’s transition to green energy and the reduction of hydrocarbon emissions, it will be necessary to reorient the energy sales market,” Mitrahovich noted.

Moreover, the expert said that the Arab state is trying to avoid getting blue fuel from Germany to other European countries so as not to lose profits.

“Currently, Asian countries are the main vector for gas sales from Qatar, this direction is a priority. In the event that the export of energy resources from Russia ceases, a general increase in gas and fuel prices will naturally follow. Then the gas from Qatar will be exported to Europe,” the expert believes.

Recall that Germany and Qatar cannot reach a compromise on the export of liquefied natural gas, the main reason for this was Germany’s stubborn focus on decarbonization.

According to leading experts, despite the big plans for the continuation of negotiations between the countries this month, it will still be very difficult to find a consensus.

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