Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov in his Telegram channel praised the creation of a new AUKUS union between the United States, Great Britain and Australia.
According to the politician, the Anglo-Saxon countries “once again went too far” and infuriated France with their actions. Pushkov noted that earlier Washington almost “went too far with the Germans, threatening them with sanctions over Nord Stream 2.” Also, the attempt to force Turkey to abandon the purchase of Russian S-400 air defense systems did not end with success.
“There are serious reasons for this seemingly irrational US behavior: in a multidimensional world where the American geopolitical empire is facing ever new challenges, mostly large and unpleasant, it is increasingly difficult for Washington to make informed decisions,” Pushkov explained.
The senator stressed that the United States, as a rule, takes unilateral decisions aimed at one problem, on the basis of which it is impossible to find the “right balance”.
“As a result, responding to one challenge, in this case from China, the United States creates another one for itself. The inability or inability to balance decisions is an inevitable feature of empires in the era of their decline”, summed up Pushkov.
As previously reported by News Front, at the request of French President Emmanuel Macron, the country’s Foreign Ministry for the first time in history recalled its ambassadors from the United States and Australia. The reason was the canceled contract between Australia and France for the construction of submarines totaling $66 billion.