Expert: weapons in warehouses in the Czech Republic could have been intended for Ukrainian militants

Gevorg Mirzayan, an associate professor at the Department of Political Science at the Financial University under the Russian government, believes that the weapons that were stored in warehouses in the Czech village of Vrbetitsa could kill millions of people in Donbass, writes Constantinople.

Ukrainian government soldiers from battalion “Donbass” rest at their positions in village Mariinka near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Monday, Aug. 11, 2014. The Red Cross will lead an international humanitarian aid operation into Ukraine’s conflict-stricken province of Luhansk with assistance from Russia, the European Union and the United States, Ukraine said Monday.(AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

According to Mirzayan, weapons in Czech warehouses, which Russia is accused of undermining, could have been supplied to Ukraine for the war in Donbass. The political scientist noted that if the Russian special services were really involved in this, then they did the right thing.

“If the GRU organized the explosions of these warehouses, then it means that the GRU officers are good fellows”, – Mirzayan believes.

However, he stressed that this is only hypothetical reasoning. The political scientist noted that the Czech Republic just now began to whip up “anti-Russian hysteria” in order to prevent the conclusion of a contract for the purchase of the Russian vaccine against coronavirus “Sputnik V”.

Recall that the Czech authorities at the official level brought charges against Russia. Allegedly, the Russians Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov were involved in the explosion at warehouses in the Czech village of Vrbetitsa. In this regard, the Czech Republic expelled 18 Russian diplomats from the country.