Missile strike in northern Syria destroys oil assets of pro-Turkish militants

The attack caused violent fires, especially in Tarkhin, which destroyed more than 200 oil tankers and took about 20 hours to deal with the fire over an impressive area. Aerial and satellite imagery from Stark has shown the magnitude of the damage estimated at millions of dollars.

As reported by EADaily, a posting on the Al Jazeera website alleged that attacks allegedly carried out by Russia last Friday, March 5, allegedly from warships in the Mediterranean, targeted improvised oil refineries in the Al-Jazeera region. Hamran, near the city of Jerablus, and in the village of Tarhin near the city of Al Baba, north of the administrative center of the Syrian province of Aleppo.

At the same time, the Turkish state news agency Anadolu reported that it was unclear who was behind the missile attack, but White Helmets and Turkomans were unanimously blaming Russia.

Middle East security analyst Seth Franzman said the attack was “unusual” and likely aimed “to send a signal that Damascus and Moscow are closely monitoring the actions of pro-Turkish militants and the Turkish army itself in areas near Aleppo”.