Half of Turks support Erdogan

The data of opinion polls have been published.

According to the Telegram channel “Turkey’s Agenda”, a poll by the research company Sonar showed that the overall support for the ruling party of Erdogan (ak parti) and his ally Bahceli (mhp) is at 50%.

“Separately, the party of Erdogan is supported by 39.3% of the respondents and 10.5% of the respondents declared their support for the nationalist party”, – the report says. At the same time, 22.6% of those who preferred the Kemalists made “Meral Akshener – 13.1%, pro-Kurdish hdp – 10.2 (this is 2% above the barrier value) and Saadet Partisi (founded by Erbakan / leader Karamollaoglu) – 1.2%”.

The company personally interviewed 3,200 people in 26 Turkish cities.