One of the leaders of British Muslims called Jews “grandchildren of monkeys and pigs”

After the scandal erupted, Heshmat Khalifa left the post of head of Islamic Relief and left the board of trustees. He stated that he regrets his publications, “did not intend to offend the Jewish community” and does not hold anti-Semitic views.

According to the Union of Orthodox Journalists, citing The Times, the leader of the British Muslim humanitarian organization Islamic Relief Worldwide, Heshmat Khalifa, got into a scandal because of his anti-Semitic publications he made in different years on social networks. 

“On his Facebook page, which was subsequently removed, 63-year-old Heshmat Khalifa called Jews “the grandchildren of monkeys and pigs” and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi “a Zionist criminal” and “pimp, son of Jews”. He also described the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, recognized by most countries as terrorist, as “the purest resistance movement in modern history”, – the report said.

Islamic Aid itself reported that the publications posted by the Caliph “contradict the values ​​and principles” of their organization, and he himself will no longer play any role in it. Also, a special commission will investigate the distribution of the aid by the fund.