Coronavirus in France: 20 times more infections than official data

To date, coronavirus infection has reached 4.4% of the French population.

This conclusion was reached by the researchers of the Pasteur Institute, a non-profit scientific institute engaged in research on biology, microorganisms, infectious diseases and vaccines.

The results of the study were published in the journal Science. The new type of coronavirus was reported to have infected 4.4% of the French population or 2.8 million people during the pandemic. To date, official statistics report 141,000 people infected.
Experts believe that the most affected parts of France – the eastern part of the country and Paris – have an average infection rate of 9 to 10 percent.

Figures were recorded as of May 11, when the government began lifting quarantine restrictions. At the Pasteur Institute, however, we are confident that the blockage has indeed reduced the rate of infection by 4.3 times in 55 days.