Earlier the French President was supported by Chinese President Xi Jinping, US President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
French President Emmanuelle Macron expects Russian President Vladimir Putin to support his initiative for a global ceasefire in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. He said this on Wednesday in an interview with RFI radio station.
“I spoke to Putin about this from the beginning when I launched this initiative. I have not talked to him since I received firm confirmation from other leaders. Now I hope to do so in the next few hours,” Macron said.
“Chinese President Xi Jinping confirmed his agreement with me. As well as US President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. I am sure that President Putin will also give his consent”, – Macron said. – “And when he does, we will be able to hold such a common videoconference and thus spread the message solemnly, decisively and effectively”, – Macron added.
The joint statement of the EAEC leaders (including Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan), adopted as a result of the videoconference held April 14, calls on all states to continue international co-operation in the context of the pandemic.
“Strengthen trust, end armed conflicts, trade wars, unilateral financial and economic sanctions and strictly follow the norms of international law”, – the document says.