Who will be blamed for war crimes in Syria? US allies pay for Middle East aiding

The Western coalition has taken many innocent lives. Now the United States has decided to find the one who will be responsible for what has been done.

This was reported by The Times.

According to media reports, the joint task force of the US-led coalition concluded that the Royal Air Forces are most atrocious in the Middle East. In particular, it is reported that 15 civilians were killed only as a result of three raids in Syria and Iraq.

Amid such accusations, the British Ministry of Defense is forced to make excuses. They deny their guilt for the killing of civilians, although they admit that the three airstrikes indicated by the operational group were indeed. According to London, the civilian population was not among the “successfully hit targets”, and if they were, they were supposedly “with a high degree of probability” linked to the Islamic State terrorist organization*.

According to the non-governmental organization Airwars, since 2014, about 30 thousand civilians have died in Iraq and Syria. The Western coalition has already claimed responsibility for the deaths of 1.3 thousand of them. At the same time, the largest number of civilians became victims of precisely American airstrikes.

Neither London nor Washington likes to talk about such tragic details of the process of introducing democracy, and attempts to point out the guilt of Britain can speak of the intention to find the “extreme”.

Earlier, News Front published a story by an American soldier who was a drone operator. He admitted that during the operations, even women and children had to be killed repeatedly. The command of such victims was absolutely indifferent.

* – prohibited in the Russian Federation