Turkish Foreign Ministry: Russian Air Forces do not strike at Turkish troops in Idlib

Russia supports the Syrian government forces, but the Russian air forces do not participate in attacks on the Turkish military in Idlib, said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

According to him, progress in the armistice can be achieved only by the results of the meeting of the presidents of Russia and Turkey, which is scheduled for the first week of March.

“Russia supports the Assad regime, but it cannot be said that the Russian air forces are attacking the Turkish military. Turkey is making joint efforts with Russia to ensure sustainable peace in the Idlib de-escalation zone, – ”said Mr. Cavusoglu (quoted by Anadolu).

This week, the conflict between the military of Turkey and Syria escalated in Idlib. As a result of an airstrike of the Syrian forces, more than 30 Turkish military were killed. Turkey retaliated against the positions of the Syrian army: according to Ankara, over 200 targets were hit. The escalation of the conflict of the parties was discussed by telephone between the presidents of Russia and Turkey, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The situation in Syria was also discussed in the UN Security Council: several of its members condemned the attacks on the Turkish military.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron, noted that the Syrian settlement is expected to be discussed in Moscow during the Russian-Turkish summit planned in the coming days. On the eve of the presidents of Russia and Turkey had a telephone conversation over the aggravation of the situation in Syrian Idlib. The Kremlin reported that the parties had discussed “the possibility of holding a summit in the near future.” It will take place on March 5 or 6. According to the representative of Mr. Erdogan, the presidents have already agreed on a personal meeting.