Defense intends to seek asylum in France for Assange

Protection of the founder of the WikiLeaks website, Julian Assange, announced that she was working on providing political asylum for her client.

Assange French lawyer Eric Dupont-Moretti added that the country’s constitution allows us to hope for the implementation of this request.

“Of course, we are working on the opportunity to ask the French authorities for political asylum. Our constitution allows this”, – said the representative of the Assange defense.

Julian Assange gained fame thanks to materials exposing US illegal actions during military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The journalist released data on the killing of civilians during the hostilities, and also revealed the truth about the conditions of detention in the American prison of Guantanamo.

Until April 2019, he was hiding for seven years at the Embassy of Ecuador in London, where he was detained by warrant for failure to appear in court, as well as according to the requirements of the authorities of Sweden and the United States.

On May 1, Assange was sentenced to 11 months and two weeks in prison for violating the conditions for bail. After that, the US authorities charged the founder of WikiLeaks with espionage and disclosure of classified data, for which he faces up to 175 years in prison.