Kremlin is confident that Turkey will take measures for the security of Russia’s ambassador

Russian President’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on threats to Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, Alexei Yerkhov.

According to him, the Kremlin has no doubt that Ankara will ensure the safety of the diplomat. Mr. Peskov noted that amid problems in Idlib, contacts between Russia and Turkey continue and they are “very close”.

“We have no doubt that the Turkish side will take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the Russian ambassador, up to one employee of Russian companies, Russian travel agencies located in Turkey, in accordance with the Vienna Convention, as well as the spirit of our bilateral relations”, – Dmitry Peskov replied to the question of the reporters.

The Russian ambassador to Turkey, Alexei Erkhov, had previously reported threats to him due to the aggravation of the situation in Idlib. The previous Russian ambassador, Andrei Karlov, was killed in Ankara in December 2016 at the opening of an art exhibition.

The spokeswoman did not comment on the issue of possible restrictions on the departure of Russian citizens to Turkey and recommended that journalists contact the Foreign Ministry.

“But there are currently no indications in this direction”, – he said.

The Kremlin also commented on the aggravation of the situation in Syrian Idlib. Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Russia and Syrian forces of assaulting civilians. According to Mr. Peskov, contacts at various levels continue.

“We note that very close contacts continue at various levels between Russia and Turkey against the background of a very tense situation against the backdrop of Idlib”, – the spokesman answered the question if the Kremlin did not consider Russia and Turkey to be on the brink of conflict.