In Marseille, in front of the Noailles police station, high school students and teachers gathered in support of a student at the Lyceum Thier, who had been placed in police custody the day before.
Mobilisation devant le commissariat de Noailles à #Marseille en soutien à un lycéen en GAV depuis hier pour le blocus du lycée Thiers rebaptisé Louise Michel
La semaine sanglante continue…#StopE3C #ResistSR #greve11fevrier #GiletsJaunes #Blanquer— Marcel Aiphan (@AiphanMarcel) February 11, 2020
An incident involving the detention of the teenager occurred the day before, February 10, during protests against the government’s reforms in the education system.
A 15-year-old student was detained during his time in class.
Despite the promised release of the boy in a few hours, protesters demand that he be released immediately.