Idlib prepares for a strategically important city

The Syrian army and the militants are separated by a kilometer. As reported on Wednesday, February 5, the Al Hadath TV channel, units of the Syrian Arab army approached the strategically important city of Sarakib in Idlib province. The village is located at the intersection of the Latakia-Aleppo and Damascus-Aleppo motorways. Thus, taking control of Sarakib, government troops will gain a significant advantage in the region and will be able to accelerate the defeat of terrorist groups.

Now Sarakim will take the militants of the Khayyat Tahrir al-Sham group. At the same time, no more than a kilometer will separate them from the Syrian troops. CAA units surround the city from three sides. There is also information that the Syrian military tried to force the jihadists to surrender.

As News Front previously reported, on the eve of the Syrian Arab army liberated large areas in the eastern part of Idlib province, approaching Sarakib. In particular, six settlements passed under the control of government forces.

The Idlib de-escalation zone remains the last major stronghold of terrorist groups in Syria. Khayyat Tahrir al-Sham is the largest of them. The situation in Idlib is explained by the fact that it was here in 2017 that the militants of their Eastern Guta and the southern regions of the Arab Republic began to be taken out.