Military source: The army is ready to eliminate the remaining hotbeds of terrorism in Idlib and Aleppo

A military source confirmed that the Syrian Arab Army is determined to put an end to the attacks of the Jebhat Al-Nusra terrorist organization and related groups on civilians in safe areas and military outlets in Aleppo and Idlib provinces.

A source told a SANA correspondent that the Jebhat An-Nusra and other terrorist groups bombarded residential areas and armed forces with daily missile shells and used mined cars in the de-escalation zone in Idleb province and in the west of Aleppo province. This leads to an increase in the number of victims and spreads panic among the population, which cannot be allowed.

The source added that saving the lives of innocent civilians is the duty of the Syrian Arab army, which is determined to put an end to repeated violations and restore normal life in these areas.

The actions of the army will not be limited only to responding to the sources of fire of armed terrorist groups, but will include large-scale operations up to the complete elimination of terrorism in all its manifestations.

* O.K. / H.M.