Iran declines the proposal of US for cooperation

Iran’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Majid Taht-Ravanchi, said the US proposal for negotiations does not make sense. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to IRNA.

The US Permanent Representative Kelly Kraft previously reported to the UN Security Council that Washington was ready for negotiations with Iran without preconditions to reduce tensions in the region.

“As long as the United States continues to insist on hostility (in relations – ed.), negotiations have no meaning”, – the diplomat said.

He also noted that the US sanctions are contrary to international law. Last week, the US military launched a missile strike at the airport in Baghdad, killing Iranian General Kassem Soleimani.

Iran said the country had 13 scenarios for revenge on Washington. Donald Trump noted that in the event of an attack on the Americans, the military will deliver a “quick and powerful blow” to 52 targets in Iran.

On Wednesday night, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps announced the start of a retaliation operation for the assassination of Soleimani: Tehran launched ground-to-ground missiles at the Ein al-Assad base in western Iraq and the base in Erbil, where the US Army contingent is located.

Earlier, News Front reported that the UN found positive points in Trump’s speech on Tehran.