US Congress will give Trump a month on anti-Iranian provocation

Thirty days later, any military actions initiated by the White House against Iran should be stopped, and subsequently agreed with the legislators.

This is mentioned in the statement by Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress Nancy Pelosi.

So, in the lower House of the American legislative body they intend to vote for a resolution that will confirm the limitations on the powers of Donald Trump in matters of military decision-making regarding Iran.

“This week, a resolution on military powers will be submitted to the House of Representatives for consideration and voting to limit the military operations of the US president against Iran”, – the statement said.

“In the absence of further steps by lawmakers, hostilities initiated by the [Donald Trump] administration against Iran should be stopped within thirty days”.

As News Front previously reported, last Friday the American armed forces carried out a resonant and extremely provocative attack, the victim of which was the commander of the elite Iranian unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Al-Quds Kassem Suleimani. The blow was inflicted by personal order of President Donald Trump, allegedly with the aim of “protecting US personnel abroad”. The situation was commented on by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, calling the assassination of the military leader “an act of international terrorism”.

Iraq, on the territory of which the US scandalous crime was committed, also did not hesitate to retaliate. Considering that Washington did not coordinate the attack with Baghdad, the Iraqi parliament voted to expel foreign troops from the country and refuse to cooperate with the Western coalition to combat terrorists.