Islamic state can take revenge – Europe discerns new Middle Eastern threat

As the gaze of the international community turns to Syria, where the conflict is nearing completion, the overt escalation of tension in neighboring Iraq is overlooked. A new round of war in this country will cost too much.

This is reported by the correspondent of the publication “Die Welt” Alfred Hackensberger.

He noted that the last fierce clashes between protesters and security forces in Iraq resulted in hundreds of wounded and dead. Further escalation of the confrontation, he said, threatens not only the Middle East, but also the countries of Europe.

“The world community is watching what is happening in Syria, but often overlooks Iraq, which was formerly in the spotlight. With all this, Iraq invariably plays the major role in maintaining the global balance of power”, – says Hackensberger in his publication.

Iraq, where the American armed forces are still located, is becoming “the scene of a great Middle East confrontation”, the author continues. At the same time, he relates the participants in the struggle – Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran – to the United States standing behind Riyadh and Russia, which is on the side of Tehran.

At the same time, the journalist emphasizes that the balance between the Sunnis and Shiites lies at the heart of the country’s stable situation:

“On the contrary, the unrest in Iraq threatens the confessional balance and gives rise to fears that a new civil war will break out in the country that will allow the Islamic state* to unfold”, – he says.

* – prohibited in the Russian Federation