Islamization of the state scale: France reveals a dangerous trend

If the French special services and law enforcement agencies can still boast of a very low level of manifestation of radical Islamist sentiments, then the picture in the municipal power structures is less rosy, the corresponding investigation was carried out by the deputies of the Parliament of the Republic Eric Diar and Eric Pulliat, reports “Le Figaro”.

The parliamentarians report is based on various observations of radical Islamization in the country, which have been conducted for decades. In particular, according to the media, the list of persons who are under observation in the framework of the program for the prevention of terrorism, today has more than 21,000 names.

At the same time, the authors of the report draw attention to the problem of the penetration of radical sentiments in municipal security agencies, where the level of control is significantly lower, and employees have access to weapons. Private security organizations are no less dangerous, especially, as the report stresses, on the eve of the 2024 Olympic Games.

Equally problematic are educational institutions in the country. Here, parliamentarians referred to the statement of the prefect of the Metropolitan Police, Michel Delpuech, according to whom the universities are not in a hurry to interact with law enforcement officers, hiding the possible manifestations of extremist sentiment.

In addition, radical Islamism is seriously entrenched in the sports environment, the deputies report says. They note that the situation has reached mass prayers right in the locker rooms and wearing hijabs during sports events. Against this background, the Federation of Martial Arts was even forced to take into account religious holidays in the preparation of competition plans.