Thousands of students marched through Paris on Friday as part of the climate strike to demand governments from all over the world to take action on climate change.
Carrying banners and signs, students marched from the Opera House to the Republique Square.
“We’re on the streets to show that we are not happy about how the government is dealing with climate change all over the world,” said activist Mary.
Activists from the ANV Action non-violente COP21 pressure group removed a portrait of French President Emmanuel Macron from the Municipal Hall and held it upside down. The goal is to remove 125 Macron’s portraits before the G7 meeting in Biarritz, next August, as a representation of the 125 days it took for France took to exceed its ecological footprint.
The protest was part of a larger movement, set up by Sweish teenage activist Greta Thunberg who has mobilised young people to demand action over climate change.