UK MPs Warn Houses of Parliament at Risk of Fire After Notre Dame

A huge blaze tore through the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral on Monday evening. The spire collapsed and the beams of its roof were engulfed in flames. According to French media reports, the blaze may have been ignited during restoration work.

London’s iconic Houses of Parliament are at risk of a major fire as devastating as the one which ravaged Notre Dame in Paris, UK MPs have warned.

The Palace of Westminster is also undergoing major repair work, but experts caution that the work is proceeding too slowly, and every day the risk of fire grows greater.

Labour MP Chris Bryant, who sat on a joint committee examining the issue, said: “We have taken far too long already putting our fire safety measures in place. “Parts of the Palace are as old as Notre Dame and we must make sure that every fire precaution is taken as the major work goes ahead.”

A “restoration and renewal” programme isn’t expected to start until the mid-2020s.