Chinese State Councilor Puts Forward Proposal Global Governance Solution

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward a three-pronged proposal for seeking a global governance solution that is fairer, more effective and conforms to the trends of history in Paris on March 25.

Wang who has been accompanying Chinese President Xi Jinping on a state visit to France made the remarks at an opening ceremony of a global governance forum co-hosted by China and France.

The forum is cohosted by the State Council Information Office of China and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and jointly organized by the China International Publishing Group and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ Center for Analysis, Planning and Strategy.

The international community is looking forward to seeing China and France, two major countries, join efforts to promote world peace and progress while the global landscape has been undergoing changes, Wang said.

“We are living at a time full of both opportunities and challenges,” Wang said, adding that the relationships between countries are ever closer and exchanges between peoples are easier.

In the meantime, Wang said, the world is beset with lack of driving forces for economic growth, an ever more prominent gap in development, a cold war mentality and unilateralism.

Wang, against such a back drop, put forward a three-pronged proposal to the forum attended by some 200 people from business circles and think tanks of China and France.

China and France, he said, should undertake historical responsibilities, uphold a vision of global governance featuring extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, staunchly safeguard multilateralism and the contemporary international system with the United Nations (UN) at the core, jointly promote world peace and development, and make unremitting efforts to advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.