France: Marine Le Pen initiates European elections campain

Far-right National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen launched her political campaign for the European elections, in Paris on Sunday.

“In the context of the popular revolt of the Yellow Vests, this European election on May 26, 2019, repeat it everywhere. May 26, 2019, offers the opportunity to gather the political crisis born of blindness, intransigence, contempt for class, tax spoliation and the human disconnection of a president disturbing in his attitudes, disturbing in his behavior, incompetent in his functions,” Le Pen stated.

“Today, Emmanuel Macron embodies nothing else than confusion, hesitation, disorder, and perhaps if he continues to understand nothing tomorrow, chaos,” she added.

“Today what is presented to us as ‘Europe’, would like to lock us in the logic of all or nothing. Either you adhere and you must accept any collective freedom, or you become the enemy. The enemy that should be broken. The enemy that has to be submitted,” continued the far-right leader.

“The European Union comes down to a logic: it is enslavement or confrontation,” she added.