Budapest protests: who wants Orban gone?

Anti-government rallies continue in Budapest and other cities in Hungary. The protests have long passed into the aggressive phase. Shares are monitored and coordinated through social networks, the supply of the protesters with food, warm clothes and basic necessities works well. There is a prepared and well-planned action. The order of the protests and the artificial forcing of the situation in Hungary before Christmas is no longer in doubt. The main demand of the protesters – “Orban must go.” In the light of this demand, a legitimate question arises – who prevents Viktor Orban?


So, before our eyes, liberal Fascism moved to a general offensive against Hungary: the deployment of the putsch to overthrow Prime Minister Viktor Orban began. Naturally, this did not happen because the law he had signed increased the number of possible overtime working hours from 250 per year to 400, although passing this law before Christmas is, of course, a very strange and short-sighted political decision. Who is Victor Orban? Right-wing politician, anti-communist, reactionary and authoritarian leader, thinking in terms of the memory of the Christian-national course of the pre-war years. The adoption of such laws just completely contradicts his management style and is, rather, an act lobbied by the fifth column, by the liberal forces in the ruling Fides party. According to the “enlightened” west, Viktor Orban must be overthrown for two main reasons,

First, as a right-wing conservative and protectionist, he spoke out against flooding Europe with migrants. Also, Viktor Orban strongly condemned the violations of the rights of the Hungarian national minority in Transcarpathia, associated with the adoption of Ukraine’s law on education. Viktor Orban, from the point of view of Western liberal forces, took the liberty to block the integration of fascist Ukraine into the NATO bloc and the European Union! Of course, from the point of view of Western liberal fascists, such things on the part of the Prime Minister of Hungary are unacceptable and such a leader must be urgently overthrown! As, by the way, another leader was overthrown five years ago, who in the last minutes also spoiled the holiday for the West – according to the peaceful and, it would seem, successful seizure of Ukraine.

Yes, for the pro-American forces, the matter of overthrowing Viktor Orban is urgent. A case that must be brought to the end by all means!

Meanwhile, the elections to the European Parliament are not far off (May 26, 2019), where the current “pro-migration” forces risk losing a significant part of their current share in the governing bodies of the European Union. And in view of this, one should have time to push through as many “correct” European laws as possible, preferably before the elections. Such laws that will make the process of flood of Europe by migrants inevitable. The liberal lobby needs to be done so that the European Parliament can no longer take countermeasures. And here, as they say, the end justifies the means — any method will do. For example, quite recently, when counting votes, abstentions were suddenly found not to exist. And the other day, for the second time, the question of granting illegal immigrants of the so-called “immigration visa” was put to the vote again.

Such a visa will allow illegal immigrants to enter the territory of the Schengen zone even before the host country can verify the legality of the entry of the migrant into its territory. And no one from the EU countries will have the right to refuse a migrant to such, otherwise the most severe sanctions against her will be introduced. All will be forced to first accept migrants without any reason, and only then will they consider whether their petition is substantiated. As long as the country considers this, the migrant will be left to himself.

Among migrants, there may well be ISIS terrorists *, and people with a criminal past, former fighters of radical groups, as well as other undesirable elements. But even if such a dangerous migrant can be found after entering the country, the possibility of his deportation will most likely be limited. Numerous Soros NGOs successfully deal with these issues of defending the “legal rights” of migrants! And a country that only dares to raise the issue of the rights of its own citizens will be stigmatized as racist and fascist, and the most stringent measures will be taken against such a state as against the malicious violator of the “fundamental European principles and values”.

In fact, Viktor Orban got into a real liberal trap. And this trap liberal forces rush to shut even before May 26th. And the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is very much in the way of this. Right-wing conservative Viktor Orban interferes with the fulfillment of the cherished dream of Soros and his satellites about the absolute power of liberal-fascism in Europe. It is precisely fascism, because to such an extent totalitarian theory and practice has never existed in the history of the world! And here surprises the stubbornness bordering on the stupidity of not only the pseudo-left, but also all kinds of “Eurocommunists”, “European left”. They do not notice and do not want to notice the essence of the processes occurring in Europe. A lot of things are being decided these days. In these turbulent days, it is decided what the appearance of Europe will be. But for the Hungarian left forces, it seems that one mantra becomes sacred: Orban is a fascist,

The older generation revives the memory of the history of the labor movement. 7th Congress of the Comintern, 1935. The fight against Nazi fascism. Socialists, social democrats, liberal parties were allies of the communists in this struggle. But today, few people remember the traitorous Munich (anti-communist) conspiracy of social democrats and liberals with Nazism. But the older generation remembers this very well. But now another scheme works. Viktor Orban himself declared “fascist.” Once the notion of “fascism” loomed again, the pseudo-leftists are again united together with the social democrats and the liberals.

At rallies and among activists, we see mostly young people. Young people who have been robbed of history, replacing it with a surrogate. With few exceptions, they all stand for the West. They are given clear promises, clear guidelines – Russia, Putin is the center of world evil! And even young communists are guided by their Western peers and comrades. The brains of these “communists” successfully filled with the “values” of liberalism. Such as same-sex marriage and support for other vices. Such as freedom of migration and the granting of greater rights to migrants than citizens of their own country. The fact is that today’s liberal political consultants successfully replaced the concept of true freedom with the concept of permissiveness. And those people who try to limit this permissiveness of theirs become racists and intolerant fascists.