Thousands protest in Budapest over labour law reform

The wave of protests that took place on Wednesday – triggered by the adoption of the so-called “slavery law” continues, with opposition forces organizing a Sunday event. In order to prevent the law from taking effect, “long-term civil resistance” is being negotiated between the opposition, the trade unions and the organizers of the demonstrations so far, ” says Bence Tordai, representative of the Dialogue.

Bertalan Tóth, president of the Socialists, spoke at a press conference Saturday that the government took away the cafeteria from the workers and then abolished state support for housing savings funds. By modifying the Labor Code, the “slave lawyer” wants to oblige people to spend up to four hundred hours of overtime a year, saying that “after three years they may receive their overtime pay,” the party leader added.

Bence Tordai, a representative of the Dialogue, announced on Saturday that “until the end of Christmas national protests and “long-term civil resistance” are being organized by the opposition, trade unions and the organizers of the demonstrations so far.

László Botka, Mayor of Szeged says that Fidesz has made Hungarian workers suffer by amending the Labor Code, so immediate and decisive steps should be taken. The mayor will therefore submit a resolution to the local assembly, which prohibits the application of the “slavery law” to the local governments. The Szeged Regulation applies to 14 municipal-owned companies with more than 2000 employees – the Index says