Lately both Russian and German leaders have met mainly on international platforms, and the arrival of Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Germany is a sign that the talk about the policy of isolating Russia remains a talk that can not create a new reality.
So public law specialist, Ph.D. Karin Beshe-Golovko, commented on the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
She stressed that Russia is an important actor in the international arena, I think that it is impossible to circumvent this and it is naive to believe this.
According to the expert, for Germany the continuation of the dialogue with Russia is an important aspect, as Merkel herself said, nevertheless this dialogue is complicated due to the difference in approach from the two leaders, which creates difficulties.
“Merkel in her speech again adhered to the dogma of the “globalist clan”, putting certain specific political interests above the interests of states. It was in this context that she insisted on Ukraine’s role in gas transit, despite the recurring problems that Ukraine has created since the early 2000s. Ms. Merkel talks about humanitarian issues in Syria, not caring about the reconstruction of the country. She talks about Minsk agreements, as if Russia should apply them, and not guarantee. Finally, she remembers bilateral relations, but between civil societies. The state and national interests are deleted from the speech,” says Karin Beshe-Golovko.
According to her, Putin’s position was more realistic: “It starts with the statistics of trade between countries, with the volume of Russian gas that is sold in Germany, with real relations between the two states that exist in the real world. He is not part of the postmodern world of fantasy, which Merkel defends. These are companies that make a wealth of exchange between countries, rather than mythical “civil societies”.