The Iraqi security forces on Saturday killed two terrorists, who planned to attack a polling station in eastern Diyala province during the ongoing parliamentary election, a head of the local assembly’s security committee said.
The official told the Alsumaria TV channel the militants had been killed a few hours before the start of voting.
The Iraqi parliamentary election has kicked off earlier in the day with as many as 320 political parties and coalitions running in the vote. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi runs in the election as the head of his Victory Coalition bloc. The second largest faction is the State of Law coalition, led by former Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.
The vote was initially set for September, but was postponed due to the fight against Daesh* terrorist group. Thereby, it will be the first one, since the declared Daesh defeat and also the Kurdistan independence referendum.
In early December, Abadi declared victory over Daesh in the country, stressing that terrorist sleeper cells still could organize resistance.