Intimidating UN member states the Al Capone style

By Vladimir Odintsov

The White House’s commitment to spreading chaos across the world, bringing people of various religions and believes misery and suffering is hardly a secret to anyone at this point. After Afghanistan and Iraq, the latest instances of this American obsession manifested themselves in Libya and Syria.

This tactics was readily adopted by the Trump administration that even though it hasn’t yet spent a full year in office. Yet, we see more calamities looming over horizon, with dangerous games being played by Washington simultaneously against Iran and North Korea.

The recent statement regarding the status of Jerusalem made by by Donald Trump regarding the status of Jerusalem falls in this familiar pattern, as the US thus demanded other states to follow its example. In such a fashion Trump has not just formally announced his imperial aspirations, he hasn’t just claimed the right to become the world’s policeman, but has also buried any hope of negotiations between Arabs and Israelis, even though Washington took the role of a guarantor of peace accord between these two parties. By making a statement that look irresponsibly stupid for any sensible observer, Trump has not just violated all of the UN documents signed so far by the United States, he chose to ignore the plan of Palestine’s partition that was adopted 1947, after the termination of the British Mandate. This plan stipulated the creation of a Jewish and an Arab state within the former border of Palestine, while granting Jerusalem in international status, as the holy city of the three great monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

By unilaterally altering the status of Jerusalem Trump has not just showed the true face of “American diplomacy” to the whole world, but has deprived America of an ability to play the role of arbiter in the Arab-Israeli conflict and in any Middle East settlements as well. After all, until now, as a guarantor of Israel’s existence since 1948, the United States has always sought to maintain a balanced position, which allowed America to remain an “honest broker”. As the French Figaro recalls, in November 1956 it was Washington that urged London and Paris, the allies of Israel, to put an end to the Suez war against Gamal Abdel Nasser. In October 1973, Kissinger persuaded the Israelis to loosen the pressure on the surrounded Egyptian Third Army. In October 1991, President George W. Bush initiated the Madrid Peace Conference by inviting the Palestinian delegation to talks, in spite of the fierce opposition to this idea shown by Tel-Aviv.

Today in the world, according to various sources, there are about 1.77 billion adherents of Islam, that constitutes 23% of the world population. The reaction of the inhabitants of 28 Muslim countries (including the fourth most populous country in Indonesia, as well as the Pakistani nuclear-armed Pakistan) to the Trump solution in Jerusalem has caused a predictable effect – with harsh and even aggressive statements coming from all across the globe. Even the European allies of the US announced their disagreement with the course of action chosen by Trump. The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogerini, stated that Trump’s move has brought the Middle Eastern peace process back to the dark ages. The refusal to support Trump’s position was announced by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the head of Washington most trusted satellite state – British Prime Minister Teresa May.

The universal condemnation was supported by the president of Turkey, a now-formal-ally of the United States and a NATO member, as its leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan described Trump as a person that is reckless enough person to stir up the whole of Middle East.

The former head of Israeli secret services Yakov Kedmi has recently told the media that Washington has dropped yet another bomb on the Middle East without even giving a second thought to the possible consequences of its actions. Kedmi believes that it’s an example of the typical American behavior, that is associated with ruining even simplest matters.

The Middle East undergoes radical change these days, as tactical alliances are being made and then collapse pretty rapidly, with yesterday’s enemies becoming today’s allies. The development of events and the changes that the whole world and the Arab world in particular are observing nowadays seem extremely dangerous for the Arab world the Islamic Ummah. The reason for this is the growing colonial aspirations of the United States. Washington is not just amassing troops and invading states, it’s heavily engaged in hybrid warfare as well. It has consistently been relying on the divide and conquer strategy in the dealings with the countries of the Arab world, its peoples and the peoples of other Muslim countries.

It’s been noted that America has proven itself capable of rooting up malice and disgust, of sowing the seeds of hatred and dispute in every Arab state, affecting the society at every level: family, tribe, religious group, political party. In particular, the result of the fanning of this hostility in some countries of the Arab world was the so-called “revolutionary spring.” As all plans and strings of conspiracies against the Arab national regimes in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq lead to Washington and Israel.

Against this backdrop, one cannot help but fell disgust with the actions of Donald Trump and his representatives, in particular the sitting US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley who would send letters of intimidation to representatives of more than 180 countries in a bid to prevent them from voting in the UN Security Council on a resolution condemning the recent decision of Washington to recognize Jerusalem the capital of Israel. That’s a vivid example of the so-called American-style democracy at its best along with Washington’s willingness to put all sorts of pressure on those courageous enough to disobey America’s diktats.

Only the world is getting more and more bored and disgusted by the tune Washington is playing, which has been long overdue decades ago. As well as the behavior of the US representative to the UN Security Council, Nikki Haley, that is using her position in a reckless attempt to bully UN member states in clear violation of the UN Charter.