French minister says UK must pay price of Brexit not the EU

Tough talking French finance minister Bruno Le Maire has warned the British people had to take responsibility for and accept the consequences of their decision to leave the European Union.

He added the UK could no longer expect to enjoy the same rights as remaining member states.

Mr Le Maire said: “You cannot expect to have the same advantages as a member state without being a member state.

“From now on, British people and the British Government must take responsibility for the consequences of their decision to leave the EU.

“I deeply regret the decision taken by the British people. I think it’s a historic mistake.

“Any negative consequences of the Brexit vote will be negative consequences for the British population.”

During a CNN debate on the global economy in Washington he insisted the British people “could not expect to enjoy the benefits of the European Union after voting to leave the European Union”.

The fifth round of exit negotiations between London and Brussels once again ended in stalemate after the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said that talks over the UK’s divorce bill had reached a worrying “impasse”.

Mr Barnier, however, added that negotiators had worked in a “constructive spirit” and that certain key points had been clarified, before voicing hope that decisive progress could be made in the coming two months given “political will”