Le Pen: Anti-Russian sanctions ‘useless’ from the very beginning


She noted that France has no sovereignty to make decisions on anti-Russian sanctions as the European Union imposes its authority on the issue but promised that she will keep on fighting for the triumph of common sense and French interests.


Le Pen


“I think that such an outcome of voting on the resolution, in favor of easing the sanctions, previously voted on in the National Assembly, has been made possible largely due to the courage of the National Front. From the very beginning, when some were in favor of tougher sanctions, our party at the same time believed that these sanctions were unjust, useless and ineffective,” Le Pen told.


On Wednesday, the French Senate passed by overwhelming majority a resolution calling on the government to ease sanctions against Russia. A total of 302 Senate lawmakers supported the resolution, with 16 senators voting against it. Although the resolution is not legally binding, the document will be sent to the French government for consideration.


The National Assembly, France’s lower house of parliament, supported a similar resolution in April.