Kurdish MP of Turkey: I hope one day our leaders will recognize Armenian Genocide


The German Bundestag’s passing of the resolution on Armenian Genocide recognition is a historic and very important step.


MPs say Danke


Nazmi Gür, MP and assistant to the co-chair of the—pro-Kurdish—Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) of Turkey, on Friday stated the aforementioned at a press conference in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan. 


In his words, Germany is not an ordinary country.


“I hope that one day our leaders [in Turkey] also will take this step,” added Gür.


The Bundestag, the lower house of the German parliament, on Thursday formally recognized the Armenian Genocide, with the aforesaid resolution and with only one vote against and one abstention. The resolution also notes that the Bundestag regrets that the German government at the time did nothing to stop this crime against humanity, and therefore the Bundestag also acknowledges the respective historical accountability of Germany.