“Syrian Democratic Forces” establish control over three farms in northern Raqqa


The so-called “Syrian Democratic Forces” on Wednesday established control over two farms in northern Raqqa after driving ISIS terrorists out of them.


On Tuesday, the “Forces” announced launching an offensive to start forcing ISIS terrorist organization from the northern countryside of Raqqa province.


Media reports said heavy clashes erupted between the “Forces” and ISIS terrorists in the two farms, located between al-Fatsa and al-Wasta villages.


The clashes, which took place some 5 km southeast of Ain Issa town north of Raqqa city, resulted in casualties within the ranks of both sides and ended in forcing ISIS terrorists out of the two farms.


Media reports also said that the “Forces” shelled with heavy weapons ISIS positions in al-Mitsharje village.


Hours after launching the offensive on Tuesday, the “Syrian Democratic Forces”, provided air cover from the US-led coalition, advanced from the direction of Ain Issa town and established control over Qartaja farm to the south of the town.