Syrian Rebels Used Chemical Weapons, Rockets, Mortar Bombs in Aleppo Attack


Radical groups within the Syrian opposition deployed chemical weapons, mortars and Grad rockets during a recent attack on Aleppo’s Kurdish-controlled Sheikh Maqsoud district, Senam Mohamed, European Representative of the Rojava Administration, told Sputnik Saturday.


“On April 7, 2016 at 12.00 the factions and brigades of the Syrian opposition coalition (Ahrar al-Sham, [militants under] the banner of [Army of] Conquest, the banner of Sultan Murad, the band 16, the Army of the Mujahideen, Movement and the gathering of Fastqm, Nour al-Din al-Zenki, Jund al-Aqsa group, Hawks Mountain Brigade and Hamza Brigade) shelled Sheikh Maksoud neighborhood [in Aleppo] with shells carrying chemical materials and gases, as well as homemade rockets, mortar bombs and Grad rockets. Shelling led to cases of suffocation,” Mohamed said.