Turkish police fire on civilians in Cizre: at least 10 wounded


At least 10 people have been wounded in the Cizre district of Şırnak after Turkish special forces teams fired on civilians.


The curfew declared by the Turkish state continues in its 38th day in Cizre. The unlawful aggression against civilians is resulting in further casualties and rights violations every day. Many bodies are left lying on streets, dead due to blood loss and rotting because ambulances aren’t allowed to access areas controlled by state forces.


Today the families of three civilians whose bodies were left to rot on the street recieved permission from the local governor to collect the bodies of their relatives. As they were carrying them up to Nusaybin Street police forces fired on them from armoured vehicles. At least 10 people who have been wounded have been taken to hospital while many others have taken refuge in a nearby basement. 


Dozens of people including Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Faysal Sarıyıldız are now trapped in houses which remain under fire. IMC TV cameraman Refik Tekin is among those shot by state forces.