troop withdrawal

Kiev calls the DPR report about the readiness for troop withdrawal a provocation
04.11.2019, 11:21
The Ukrainian military announce the beginning of mine clearance in Zolotoye
03.11.2019, 18:27
Zelensky announces the beginning of troop withdrawal in Petrovskoye
31.10.2019, 14:06
DPR announces the arrival of a group of Ukrainian radicals in the area of troop withdrawal
30.10.2019, 17:19
Kiev says that troop withdrawal in Zolotoy-4 takes place as planned
30.10.2019, 13:00
Russian Foreign Ministry comments on the beginning of troop withdrawal in the Donbass
30.10.2019, 12:04
Zelensky quarrels with nationalists in the Donbass
26.10.2019, 18:26
The Verkhovna Rada deputy claims the unreadiness of Ukrainian authorities to withdraw forces in the Donbass
26.10.2019, 16:46
Pentagon to put Syria withdrawal ‘on pause’ when number falls to 1,000
30.03.2019, 15:33
Iraqi Parliament Prepares to Evict US Troops
21.03.2019, 14:14
US, Taliban Agree on American Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan – Reports
12.03.2019, 20:47
Israel, Russia to coordinate Syria foreign troop exit: Netanyahu
03.03.2019, 17:41