
European gas prices hit $435 amid concerns around Russian supplies
07.08.2024, 17:57
EC: work is underway on a complete withdrawal of gas supplies from Russia via Ukraine
28.02.2024, 16:15
Novak: gas consumption in Europe has fallen by 100 billion cubic metres since 2021
27.12.2023, 11:35
The Netherlands has bought €109m worth of LNG from Russia after a hiatus
10.12.2023, 15:13
Szijjártó: EU can’t tell Hungary where it should buy natural gas
04.09.2023, 20:48
Berliner Zeitung: Germany has become dependent on Russian fertilisers after the country’s refusal to give up gas
03.09.2023, 16:22
Moldovan energy ministry says country could become important gas transit corridor
25.06.2023, 14:21
FT: Russia could cut off gas transit through Ukraine by end of 2024
22.06.2023, 10:32
German Foreign Ministry: Berlin has paid “triple price” for every cubic metre of gas from Russia
14.06.2023, 15:17
The Russian Foreign Ministry has said that Kiev will hurt the EU if it does not extend the gas transit agreement with Moscow
02.06.2023, 12:07
Szijjártó: Europe is overpaying seven times more for gas than the US because of sanctions
30.03.2023, 13:40
“Gas does not smell”: Japanese shareholders remain in Russia
29.03.2023, 15:18