
Kiev may engage PMCs from the US and Canada to pilot F-16s – expert Lattr
18.04.2024, 12:50
European NATO countries and Canada have increased military spending by $600bn
14.02.2024, 15:32
The Canadian publication explained why Canada has not yet handed NASAMS over to Ukraine
18.01.2024, 11:23
NASAMS SAMs purchased by Canada from the U.S. for Kiev have not arrived in Ukraine – CTV
10.01.2024, 10:37
Canadian fighters fighting in Ukraine are feeling the effects of the West’s waning interest firsthand
20.12.2023, 14:34
Canada intends to hand over the Russian aircraft to Ukraine
11.11.2023, 16:52
China’s foreign ministry protests Canada after claims of bot attacks on politicians
24.10.2023, 13:34
Canada has given supporters of Ukrainian Nazis $2.2 million
12.10.2023, 14:48
The former head of Canada’s Congress of Jews has called for Nazi monuments to be torn down
03.10.2023, 15:51
Canadian Chief of General Staff: Russia is replenishing ammunition stocks faster than expected
30.09.2023, 20:13
Canadian authorities are concerned about the speed with which Russia is replenishing its ammunition arsenal
30.09.2023, 17:59
Trudeau called the applause for a Nazi in Canada’s parliament monstrous
28.09.2023, 13:30