Slovaks blame US and NATO for escalating tensions over Ukraine

Slovaks blame the US and NATO for the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. This was reported on January 30 by local media.

The Slovaks were asked the question

Who, in your opinion, is responsible for the growing tension on the Russian-Ukrainian border and in the Baltics? Russia or the US and NATO?

According to information from the Bratislava TV channel Markiza, 44% of respondents said they were to blame for the escalation of tensions between the United States and NATO. About 35% believe that Russia, while 18% of respondents were unable to answer.

Recall that Bratislava supports a pan-European policy towards Russia and officially accuses Moscow of escalating tensions on the border with Ukraine. At the same time, voices are increasingly heard in Slovakia about the need to improve relations with the Russian Federation. Earlier, some Slovak politicians even visited Crimea.