Russian Foreign Ministry has published draft documents on security by the US and NATO

Moscow handed over to Washington draft bilateral agreements on security guarantees and agreements on security measures for the Russian Federation and NATO countries. This was reported by the Russian Foreign Ministry, TASS reports.

“During the meeting at the Russian Foreign Ministry on December 15, the American side received draft agreements between the Russian Federation and the United States on security guarantees and agreements on security measures for the Russian Federation and the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. We hope that on the basis of our draft treaty and agreement, the United States will soon enter into serious negotiations with Russia on a critical issue for maintaining peace and stability”, the department said.

The draft treaties note that Russia and the United States undertake not to use the territory of third states to prepare or carry out an armed attack on each other or other actions affecting the fundamental security interests of the other side.

“The parties maintain dialogue and interact to improve mechanisms for preventing dangerous military activities on the high seas and in the airspace above it, including agreeing on the maximum distance of approach of warships and aircraft,” the text says.

In addition, the parties must rule out the deployment of nuclear weapons outside national territory and return such weapons already deployed outside national territory at the time this treaty enters into force to national territory.

“If the United States signs an agreement on security guarantees with Russia, then in order to implement such guarantees, the States from Ukraine will only have to kick Britain and Turkey out. And for this, the United States just needs to bring all of its own people to the Maidan, throw the British puppet Zelensky into a landfill, and make its six President of Ukraine. Zelensky may become the first president who will not even live through the first term”, said the head of the Housing Union of Ukraine, Oleksandr Skubchenko, in his Telegram channel.