The radical Taliban fighters who have seized power in Afghanistan have made 44 appointments to key positions in the country, Reuters writes
“This is the first major round of appointments since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August and formed a government in September”, – the agency wrote.
Deputy Taliban spokesman Bilal Karimi said governors had been appointed in Badakhshan, Paktia, Kabul, Kunduz, Baghlan, Logar, Paktika, Bamyan, Uruzgan, Farah, Sari Pul, Jawzjan, Faryab, Maidan Wardak, Zabul, Nimroz and Ghazni provinces.
Qari Baryala became Kabul’s governor and Wali Jana Hamza became the city’s police chief. The previous commander in charge of security in Kabul was killed in November in an attack on Afghanistan’s largest military hospital in the centre of the capital.
Recall that the militants of the radical Taliban movement launched a full-scale offensive against the background of the withdrawal of the American contingent from the territory of Afghanistan. On August 15 the Taliban seized the capital Kabul. On 7 September, a new Afghan government was announced. It is worth noting that women have been banned from leadership positions.