Taliban Foreign Minister calls on diplomats to return to work

Mullah Amir Khan Mottaki said that the Cabinet needs professional employees and their skills.

According to TASS, on Saturday the Pajhwok news agency disseminated information according to which the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the interim government of Afghanistan appointed by the Taliban (banned in Russia), Mullah Amir Khan Mottaki, called on professional Afghan diplomats to return to work for the good of the country.

“People with all talent should use their energy, because now is the time to serve the country,” the agency quoted Mottaki as saying.

He noted that the Afghans fought for two reasons – one was to drive out foreign invaders, and the other in healthy competition with foreign states.

“People with higher education, professional skills, talent and a high degree of loyalty to Islam and the nation could create this healthy competition,” the minister added.