Russian ambassador calls US decision to impose restrictions on Russia as a confrontational step

According to Anatoly Antonov, the new US restrictions on Russian companies contrast with the statements at the Geneva summit.

According to TASS, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said that the decision of the US Department of Commerce to include several Russian companies on the blacklist is a confrontational step on the part of Washington.

“This is another confrontational step in the framework of Washington’s purposeful efforts to restrict the access of domestic enterprises to high-precision technologies from abroad. This fundamentally contrasts with the statements of the United States authorities, including during the summit in Geneva, about the need to normalize the entire range of bilateral relations”, – said Antonov, whose words are quoted on Facebook of the Russian diplomatic mission.

“We are talking about export control lists, in which got Moscow firms engaged in microelectronics. At the same time, the American side again did not provide any specifics as to which violations were revealed. I used the “likely” which had already set my teeth on edge, saying that our companies probably bought electronic components from the USA for some Russian military programs. This approach does not stand up to criticism”. 

On Friday, the US Department of Commerce added six individuals and legal entities from the Russian Federation to its blacklist. According to the US authorities, they are included in the list because of their attempts to “purchase goods, including those of American origin, for activities that are contrary to the interests of national security and US foreign policy.” According to the American side, OOO Teson, Radiant Group of Companies and OOO Trade Component “are involved in the procurement of electronic components of American origin, probably for the implementation of Russian military programs”.