Alexey Gumilyov: Neo-slavery, or European Friendship

Ukrainian media joyfully declare that the EU authorities will open their borders to Ukrainian migrant workers

“The borders of the European Union are closed for almost the whole world, but not for workers from Ukraine,” says one of the Ukrainian publishing houses. Like: “Did you see how much we are respected?” This is the real friendship.

True, in the EU, such a decision was made not from an ardent love to Ukraine, but thanks to last year’s experience, when the agrarian economy of Europe was seriously affected without Ukrainian guest workers. Or, “migrant workers”, as they are affectionately called in Ukraine.

It is reported that for harvesting the Europeans will hire any workers from Ukraine, including those with low qualifications, “to save the season and to make the agricultural sector work”. However, the Ukrainian media is full of only photographs of construction workers. It is preferable to keep silent about harvesting.

However, it seems that the agrarian superpower is the only one capable of providing the European market with Ukrainian non-slaves.

And then the American-European slavery immediately comes to mind, when lazy white asses did not want to honestly work on their own plantations and imported black slaves from Africa.

By the way, slavery in the USA was gradually abolished not out of love for blacks, but with the advent of industrialization. Illiterate slaves were simply useless at the machine.

Today we have the opposite tendency, when the industry disappears in Ukraine, and a hole grows in its place. Perhaps, over time, everything will change and European neo-slavery will give freedom to hardworking natives, but even in the USA they could not get rid of segregation for a long time. I am generally silent about today’s world apartheid.

Alexey Gumilyov, specially for News Front