The Russian military “intercepted” the US reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea

The Russian military on Wednesday lifted fighters of the air defense on duty to “intercept” a US reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea, the press service of the Southern Military District said.


As stated in the message received by Interfax, multipurpose Su-27 naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet were lifted into the air.

“Russian fighters approached the aerial target and identified it as an RC-135W Rivet Joint US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft, after which it headed for removal from the state border of the Russian Federation”, – the district said.

The previous time the Russian military reported the departure of Su-27 fighters to “intercept” US reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea on June 29.

The southern military district on Wednesday said that the actions of a U.S. reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea were timely detected by Russian air defense forces on duty.

As stated in the district, “at a considerable distance from the border of the Russian Federation, the approaching air target was continuously accompanied by Russian radar means of control”. According to it, there was no violation of the state border.

The military said that the flights of Russian aircraft were carried out in strict accordance with international airspace use regulations.