The UK government is threatening the lives of those who can save the country from the deadly virus.
This statement was made in the British Medical Association against the background of how medical personnel are faced with a lack of personal protective equipment.
A stream of criticism of the authorities has already made the country’s health minister Matt Hancock to make excuses. The day before, he argued that “titanic” efforts were required from a logistical point of view to guarantee the supply of protective equipment to those who were “at the forefront”.
“It is clear that more needs to be done so that everyone in need can get the necessary personal protective equipment”, – the official said in a commentary to the BBC.
At the same time, as noted in the BMA, some hospitals in London and Yorkshire were faced with such a shortage of necessary that doctors refused to treat patients, sacrificing their own health. The association called the incident “heartbreaking”.
“It is absurd that people trained to treat this disease do not receive adequate protection, and without them we will face a real catastrophe”, – the Head of the board of the BMA, Dr. Chaand Nagpaul, said.
To date, in the UK recorded 9 thousand deaths from coronavirus infection COVID-19. Among them, 19 employees of the National Health Service, including 11 doctors.
Earlier, News Front reported that in one of the London hospitals, nurses were forced to work with infected people, putting on themselves instead of special protective suits garbage bags. In the end, they also became infected.