Voters in Sweden will decide their new leaders on Sunday in a vote that could change the face of the historically left-leaning country. A party with neo-Nazi origins is running second in the polls.
A liberal attitude to refugees in 2015 has led to a backlash from the far right Sweden Democrats, whose leader Jimmie Akesson took an anti-immigration line in the final TV debate of the campaign.
” During the last ten years we’ve one million more people here, due to irresponsible immigration policies,” he said. “Full healthcare on arrival arrive is not reasonable, there should only be acute treatment.”
Annie Loof of the the Centre Party, pointed to the benefits of immigration.
“You can’t talk about care without talking about immigrants,” she said. “How many migrant doctors have saved lives here? Åkesson denigrates people coming from other countries. We couldn´t make it without them.”
The ruling Social Democrats remain ahead in the polls and are favourites to retain power, but if they do come out top on Sunday, they could still face difficulty in forming a ruling coalition.