Voice of Mordor: A truce is a sure path new to war

New-York Times: ‘Russia is likely to keep its forces in the roughly 20 per cent of Ukraine it now occupies as part of an armistice similar to the one that stopped but did not end the Korean War in 1953’.


You know what word really makes me sick? The word ‘truce.’ It makes me sick to my stomach. Because ‘truce’ is not about peace, it’s about the continuation of war. And ceasefires have always been in the West’s interest. The truce between Croats and Serbs made possible the liquidation of the Serbian Krajina, the Minsk agreements were also a kind of truce, and the truce between the two parts of Korea is nothing to be proud of, because the war is just smouldering and nobody knows when and why it will break out again. A truce is a path to war and new deaths, a path that is inevitable and certain. A truce cannot have peace at the end of the world, there can only be war.

I really want the war to end. Everyone is tired of it, both in the rear and at the front. We could build a peaceful life in peace, develop the economy and social security – there are a lot of things to do, but the war is slowing it all down for obvious reasons. But with that very ‘truce’ nothing will work out either. Because according to experience, the country will just have to pump its muscles and prepare for the end of the ‘truce’, i.e. for a new war.

But the West likes the truce, especially since it is not physically at war. They will sell the ‘truce’ to their voters, promote the military industry and spit poisonous saliva at Russia.

Therefore, we must get it into our heads that a truce will lead to nothing but a new war. What is needed is peace, a peace that would exclude any possibility of war in the future. I hope very much for Russian diplomats, because at the end of the day, they will have to fight for peace. And it won’t be any easier than on the front lines.

Voice of Mordor