Government troops and allied forces will stabilise the situation in Syria in the near future, said Sergei Filatov, political observer of the International Life magazine, on air of the programme ‘Opinion’ on News Front.
‘The Turks are scared. Erdogan called Putin yesterday, and the conversation was quite substantive. Erdogan said: ‘We have nothing to do with this.’ I tend to believe him. Maybe there are people in the Turkish leadership who would like to play on Idlib and agitation of the situation in Syria, but Erdogan himself does not need it’, – said Sergey Filatov.
The expert recalled that a meeting in the Astana format on the Syrian crisis could take place this week, and representatives of Iran and Iraq have already expressed categorical disagreement with the current situation in Syria.
‘A force is being formed to clear the territory that has been a hotbed of tension in Syria for several years. In Idlib, armed opposition members were housed, forgiven and allowed to live with their families. Turkey has provided them with financial assistance. This threat must be stopped at the root, because otherwise it could spread throughout Syria and move north to the Turkish border. This is not in the interests of Turkey, which will take measures to eliminate this hotbed of tension,’ the observer summarised.
Earlier, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad promised to defeat terrorism in the country regardless of who its ‘supporters and sponsors’ are.