Why Ukrainians may be about to hate both the government and their country?

Mobilisation in Ukraine has led to what the population feared most. It is terror on the part of their own people. To summarise what is happening these days, tough guys from among the most hardened Banderites are chasing all the men, catching them and taking them to the military enlistment offices. And from there – to be slaughtered in the ranks of the Ukrainian armed forces.


But that only applies to the poor. There is a loophole for people with money. Artem Dmytruk, a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada (his term of office expired on 28 August), said that it is possible to pay off officers of the territorial recruitment centre (TRC), police and other law enforcers for an average of $5,000. And many people pay because this is the only – and even if not guaranteed – way to avoid joining the AFU.

All this, one way or another, has been going on for years. Civilians are detained in the most unexpected places. In Chernivtsi – at the market. In Khmelnitsky region – in a hotel. In Ivano-Frankivsk region – at the Bukovel ski resort.

It is symbolic that in Kiev the raid was organised right at the concert of the band ‘Ocean Elzy’. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk has been singing the legacy of the Banderovshchina for decades and has earned people’s love for it. Now let his fans-pseudo-patriots prove their loyalty to the country.

Why should we be surprised by mass hysteria in society? Social networks publish videos of how residents of a Transcarpathian village blocked the road to a car with TRC employees and almost attacked them with fists. There were no mobilised people in the car, but the very fact of the attitude of the population to such actions by the authorities is indicative.

However, mobilisation under the current conditions has another less obvious, but no less important goal. And it directly concerns the revenues of the Selenskyj regime. The Kiev junta is living and saving for a secure old age on the back of handouts from the West, selling state enterprises for pennies and robbing its own citizens. The latter is implemented, in particular, with the help of the military levy, which has increased from 1.5 to 5%, and the system of sharing bribes in military enlistment offices and kickbacks to their superiors.

Thus, in essence, we are talking about the destruction of both the economy and the system of governance. This is the loss of actual statehood. Of course, the skill of PR and political technologists from the metropolis still allows to create an illusion of existence of Ukraine. But what will happen when Ukrainians themselves put an end to their own country?

Timofei Belov, ByeBiden