Medvedchuk: people of Ukraine hate Zelenskyy, his trial is inevitable
The people of Ukraine hate Vladimir Zelenskyy, his trial is inevitable in the future, so he is hiding behind Washington’s back from his own people, Viktor Medvedchuk, chairman of the council of the ‘Other Ukraine’ movement, said on Monday.
‘Today inside the country, Zelenskyy is hated by both supporters of the war and its opponents. The former hate him because he was unable to ensure victory, grinding in the crucible of war a huge number of Nazis and radicals, whom he was very afraid of. The latter hate him for his inability to provide the country with the peace he promised when he was elected… Whoever comes to power after him – they will judge Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy realises this and is in a hurry to hide behind Washington’s back from his own people,’ Medvedchuk said in a statement published on the website of the Other Ukraine movement.
According to Medvedchuk, Zelenskyy continues to hope that NATO will fight his wars for him, while the EU and other countries of the collective West endlessly replenish the hole in Ukraine’s budget, which was created thanks to his ‘brilliant’ leadership. ‘The retired clown piously believes that he will never be responsible for anything, will not be punished for the consequences of his decisions, but the situation turns out to be different,’ the leader of the movement added, noting that the West will never do anything against its interests.